Future Trails training programs are developed with your goals front & centre. Focusing firstly on your weaknesses & working towards your strengths. We do this using one measurement when training & racing: RPE. Rate of perceived exertion.
Pace & heart rate are useful tools but in reality the way we feel from day to day is always changing, that's why we use RPE.
Mental training is as important as physical training for us. That's why we tailor mental training into our coaching. This approach helps to develop the resiliance, self efficacy, attrition & strong mindset required to complete an ultra.
What's included
Initial 90 min call - To establish your goals, current fitness, background, life/work commitments, availability & injury history
Interactive Google Doc bespoke training program - Tailored to your goals & lifestyle. Great for day to day feedback on your progress
Mental training tools to practice & develop during training
2 week catch-ups to track progress & feedback
Regular re-evaluation of goals, program adherence, accountability & motivation levels
Pre & post training fuelling assessment
Monday - Friday Whatsapp messenger access & voice notes - Which ever you prefer
30 day free trial with the Waking Up app
Injury prevention & management
Hydration & nutrition in day to day life
Recovery protocols - Hot/cold exposure/yoga & foam rolling techniques
Access to Future Trails Coaching Whatsapp group - (They're a great bunch)
(A) Race preparation
Race strategy, nutrition & pacing plans
Race minset
Race kit selection
Pre-race video call
Crewing/pacing - If possible I'll be there every step of the way with you
Post race video call - If I can't make it
Tailored strength & conditioning program developed by our in house PT, using the JEFIT App - £75 /month
Race route guided recce (UK Only) - £130/day + fuel expenses - I can plan & guide you on a recce of your race. This practice builds race confidence & is a great opportunity to practice with race kit, nutrition & strategy.
1 to 1 - Meet up on your local trails/location of your choosing & practice ascending, descending, using poles, nutrition, kit selection & running technique tips. Followed by a coffee catchup to access your progress & goals - £80 + fuel expenses